Billing and Payments in Influencer Marketing: A Complete Guide

Billing and Payments in Influencer Marketing: A Complete Guide

Influencer marketing has evolved into one of the most effective strategies within digital marketing. However, managing billing and payments in this environment can be complex due to the variety of compensation models, the internationalization of campaigns, and the technology involved in the process. This article breaks down five key subcategories that everyone involved in influencer marketing should master: compensation models, campaign billing, payment management, tax management, and technological automation.

From the beginning, our mission with our product, Zexel Pay, has been to simplify the billing and payment processes in influencer marketing. Through our platform, we’ve learned that it’s not enough to simply create tools for automation; it’s also essential to understand the real needs of users and, in many cases, find ways to eliminate unnecessary processes. Every step we take is guided by the premise of making life easier for those behind each campaign, whether they are marketing managers or influencers themselves.

In this article, I want to share the five key strategies that I consider essential for any professional in influencer marketing: compensation models, campaign billing, payment management, tax management, and technological automation. Mastering these aspects will not only help you succeed in this complex environment but will also allow you to maximize the benefits of your campaigns.

Moreover, each subcategory comes with its own use case. What more could you ask for?

I hope this guide provides you with a deeper understanding of best practices in billing and payment management within influencer marketing and helps you take your campaigns to the next level with greater confidence and efficiency.

1. Compensation Models
Compensation models determine how influencers are paid for their work. Choosing the right model is essential to aligning campaign objectives with the influencer’s interests.


  • Pay Per Post: Influencers receive a fixed payment for each social media post. This model is common in campaigns where broad reach is sought and is based on the influencer’s number of followers and engagement rate.Use Case: A fashion brand hires an influencer with 500,000 Instagram followers to post a photo wearing their latest collection. The payment is set at $1,000 per post.
  • Pay Per Click (PPC): The influencer is paid for each click generated on a shared link. This model is useful when the goal is to increase traffic to a specific webpage.Use Case: A software company uses a tech influencer to drive traffic to their registration page via links in their Instagram stories, paying $0.50 per click.
  • Cost Per Thousand Impressions (CPM): The influencer is paid based on the impressions (views) the post receives. This model is ideal for branding campaigns where visibility is sought.Use Case: A beverage brand launches a campaign with an influencer who has a large reach and pays $5 for every 1,000 impressions.
  • Cost Per Acquisition (CPA): Payment is made when a specific action is completed, such as a sale or subscription. This model focuses on concrete and measurable results.Use Case: An e-book subscription service pays a literary influencer $10 for every new subscription obtained through their promotional link.
  • Affiliate Commissions: Similar to CPA, but instead of a one-time payment, the influencer receives a commission for each sale made through their link or discount code.Use Case: An online beauty products store offers a 10% commission to an influencer for each sale made with their discount code.


  • Clearly define the compensation model at the start of negotiations to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Consider mixing models (e.g., a fixed fee plus commissions) to motivate the influencer to achieve better results.

Profiles That Should Learn This:

  • Digital Marketing Managers: To design and negotiate effective campaigns.
  • Influencers: To understand how to maximize their earnings.
  • Marketing Analysts: To evaluate campaign performance.
  • Controllers and CFOs: To understand and assess how this can impact budgets.

2. Campaign Billing
Campaign billing refers to how charges and payments are structured based on specific influencer marketing campaigns.


  • Billing for Individual Campaigns: Billing is done for specific campaigns, generally with a single payment at the end of the campaign.Use Case: A watch brand launches a campaign with an influencer during a fashion event, billing a single amount at the end.
  • Billing for Ongoing Campaigns: Involves periodic billing (monthly, quarterly) for long-term campaigns with the same influencer.Use Case: A dietary supplements brand establishes a continuous collaboration with a fitness influencer, billing a monthly fee.
  • Billing for Sponsored Content Campaigns: Billing is based on the sponsored content created, including posts, videos, and blogs.Use Case: A tech company sponsors a series of YouTube videos, paying for each video produced and published.
  • Billing for Special Events or Launches: Specific billing for collaborations related to events or product launches.Use Case: A car brand collaborates with an influencer for the presentation of a new model, billing after the event.
  • Billing for Long-Term Collaborations: Continuous billing for strategic long-term partnerships that may include multiple campaigns over time.Use Case: A sustainable fashion company signs a one-year contract with a lifestyle influencer, with quarterly billings.


  • Clarify payment terms in the contract to avoid issues at the end of the campaign.
  • Consider offering discounts for long-term collaborations.

Profiles That Should Learn This:

  • Marketing Project Managers: To manage budgets and timelines.
  • Accountants and Finance: To correctly handle billing and avoid legal issues.

3. Payment Management
Payment management encompasses all aspects related to paying influencers, including timing, methods, and payment terms.


  • Advance Payments: Part or all of the fee is paid before the campaign begins.Use Case: An influencer receives 50% of the payment before starting the promotion of a beauty product.
  • Payments Upon Campaign Completion: Payment is made once the campaign has concluded, and results have been verified.Use Case: A tech influencer receives full payment after a series of tutorials have been published.
  • Performance-Based Payments: Payments are made based on performance, such as the number of clicks, sales, or impressions.Use Case: A fashion influencer receives monthly payments based on the number of sales generated through their affiliate code.
  • Staggered Payments (In Installments): Payments are made in installments throughout the campaign, based on agreed milestones or dates.Use Case: An influencer receives monthly payments during a six-month collaboration with a food brand.
  • International Payments and Currency Conversion: Payments to influencers in different countries are managed, taking into account currency conversions.Use Case: A European brand pays a U.S. influencer, adjusting the amount based on the exchange rate on the payment day.


  • Ensure payment terms are clearly defined in the contract.
  • Use secure and reliable payment platforms, especially for international payments.

Profiles That Should Learn This:

  • Payment Managers: To efficiently handle cash flow.
  • Influencer Marketing Consultants: To advise brands on best payment practices.

4. Tax Management
Tax management in influencer marketing is critical, especially for influencers working internationally. It includes tax withholding, income reporting, and proper invoicing with taxes included.


  • Tax Withholding for Influencers: Brands may be required to withhold a percentage of payments for taxes, depending on local legislation.Use Case: A U.S. company withholds 10% of payments to an influencer for federal taxes.
  • International Tax Reporting: Influencers working with foreign brands must report international income and comply with local and international tax regulations.Use Case: A Spanish influencer working with U.S. brands must report that income on their annual tax return.
  • Deduction of Content Production Expenses: Influencers can deduct certain expenses related to content production, such as equipment or clothing.Use Case: A travel influencer deducts the cost of a drone and camera used to create content on their tax return.
  • Invoicing with Taxes Included (VAT): Proper invoicing including VAT when working with brands within the same region.Use Case: A European influencer includes VAT in their invoice when working with a company within the EU.
  • Tax Certifications and Documentation: Keeping all tax certifications and necessary documentation up to date to avoid legal issues.Use Case: An influencer in Mexico ensures that all their tax documents are in order before starting a campaign with an international brand.


  • Consult with an accountant specializing in international taxation if you work with brands from different countries.
  • Keep detailed records of all income and expenses related to your activity as an influencer.

Profiles That Should Learn This:

  • Accountants and Tax Advisors: To assist influencers with proper tax management.

5. Payment Automation and Technology

Automation and the use of advanced technology in payment management have revolutionized influencer marketing, enabling greater efficiency, accuracy, and security in transactions. These tools and platforms facilitate payment management, invoicing, and tracking, which is essential for both brands and influencers managing multiple campaigns simultaneously.


  • Payment Automation Platforms: These platforms automate the payment process to influencers, reducing the risk of errors and ensuring payments are made on time.Use Case: A cosmetics brand uses Zexel Pay to automatically manage payments to 50 influencers participating in their global launch campaign, ensuring that each one is paid as agreed without the need for manual intervention. The brand makes a single payment, receives a consolidated invoice for all creators, and Zexel Pay takes care of executing the payments, guaranteeing it is done legally and on time.
  • Smart Contracts for Payments: Smart contracts, based on blockchain technology, allow payments to be executed automatically when certain predefined conditions are met.Use Case: A tech influencer receives automatic payment in cryptocurrency through a smart contract once their review video reaches 100,000 views on YouTube.
  • Integration of Billing Systems with CRMs: Integrating billing systems with CRM (Customer Relationship Management) allows brands to better manage relationships with influencers and coordinate payments according to active campaigns and milestones reached.Use Case: A fashion company connects its billing system with its CRM to track the performance of each influencer and automate corresponding payments based on the sales conversion generated.
  • Billing and Accounting Software for Influencers: Tools designed specifically to help influencers manage their billing and accounting, including invoice creation, income and expense tracking, and tax management.Use Case: A travel influencer uses QuickBooks to issue invoices to their international clients and track payments received, while also managing associated taxes.
  • Payment Tracking and Reporting Tools: These tools allow both brands and influencers to monitor the status of payments, view detailed reports, and manage cash flow more effectively.Use Case: A marketing agency uses Payoneer to monitor and report payments made to influencers in different countries, ensuring transparency and compliance with financial obligations.


  • Evaluate the specific needs of your business or your activity as an influencer before choosing an automation platform.
  • Consider using smart contracts if you work in campaigns where transparency and payment automation are critical.
  • Ensure that any accounting software you use complies with your country’s tax regulations.

Profiles That Should Learn This:

  • Marketing Technology (MarTech) Specialists: To implement and manage automation in influencer marketing campaigns.
  • Finance and Accounting Managers: To efficiently handle billing and payments using technological tools.
  • Professional Influencers: To optimize the management of their finances and ensure their earnings are managed effectively.

Managing billing and payments in influencer marketing is a multifaceted aspect that requires a detailed understanding of different compensation models, billing methods, payment processes, and tax management, as well as a solid foundation in payment automation and technology. From platforms like Zexel Pay to the use of smart contracts, technology offers solutions that facilitate these tasks and minimize risks.