Staff, Brand & Agency – How to create a batch payment

Go to ‘New batch payout’. Name your batch. This name will only be seen by you, your coworkers, your manager or admin. The content creators will not see this name. Choose who is paying the Zexel Fee. Name the payout group. This name will be seen by the creators.  Click ‘Add receiver’ To add a new request just add the amount they will be receiving, their name and their email address.  If the creator already…

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Manager – How to fill your profile

Once you are logged in, it is recommended to fill out the profile information. Go to "My profile" and click "Edit" at the end of the page.Fill in all the mandatory information, which is marked with an asterisk (*).Choose natural or legal person. The fields to fill will change accordingly.Click "Save changes".

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Software’s purpose and benefits

Welcome to Zexel Pay – the software solution designed to streamline process of managing batch payments for content creators. With Zexel Pay, we aim to empower creators by providing a platform where they can request payments for their contributions. Gone are the days of manual payment processing and scattered invoicing. Our system allows brands and agencies to consolidate multiple payment requests into a single, efficient batch. This not only simplifies the…

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Staff, Brand & Agency – How to pre-approve a batch Login in Zexel Pay.   Search for a batch payment in “Draft” status.  Here, we will be able to unlink or deny any payment request made to us by our creators if there are any mistakes. We can also edit, delete or unlink any of our own auto requests in the batch.   Check that all the information is correct and give the first validation when you are ready.  Now…

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Staff, Brand & Agency – How to create a batch payment from a csv file Login in Zexel Pay. Click "New batch with CSV".   Name the batch.   Download the CSV template. Fill it out with the auto-requests by replacing the example emails. It is important to keep the first line of the csv unmodified for the software to work correctly. Keep the double quotes on the amount and mind the two decimals of each amount. You can use either "." or "," to…

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Staff, Brand & Agency – Receiving payment requests Login in Zexel Pay. Notice the pending payment request you have received from our creators.   Click on the eye to see the request's details and carefully review them. If it is correct, we need to add it to a batch: new or existing.  Name the new batch and choose who is paying the Fee. To save the group click "Create draft". We may revisit it later.

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Staff, Brand & Agency – How to create auto-requests Login at Zexel pay.  Go to ‘New payout’. Fill out the mandatory information for the payout:  Description of the payment request, the concept of the collaboration.  Amount: the amount you agreed with your client.  Currency: the currency you want to receive your payment in. To view the complete list, you need to click the ‘x’ at the end of the field.  Fill out the creator’s information. If you…

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Staff, Brand & Agency – How to fill your profile Once you are logged in, it is recommended to fill out the profile information.  Go to "My profile" and click "Edit" at the end of the page.  Fill in all the mandatory information, which is marked with an asterisk (*).  Choose natural or legal person. The fields to fill will change accordingly.  Click "Save changes".

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Content Creator – How to fill your profile Login in Zexel Pay. Visit the ‘My Profile’ section to complete it and verify your identity:*Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.  Complete your personal details. These details are necessary to comply with legal requirements and ensure a seamless payment experience.  Complete your tax and billing information. These details are necessary to comply with legal requirements and ensure a smooth payment experience.  Select your profile option: natural or legal…

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